Kayleen Gray



Reading is exactly what it sounds like - a private consultation. You can see me in person or call me. I will interpret the information from the spirit world. The sound of your voice also conveys information and energy that I can tune in on, even without your physical presence.

60-minute session:  $155

Every additional 1/4 hour:  $33

PayPal       Venmo

Quick Question

This is a reading follow-up: One quick question by telephone to clarify something in your recent reading.

15-minute follow-up:  $44

PayPal       Venmo

Reiki Treatments

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to heal.

3 Sessions:  $150

PayPal       Venmo

Clearing your home's energy after turbulence (construction/remodeling, illness, etc.) is a way to restore tranquility to your home. I will cleanse your space with sage and dispel lingering vibratations that may have settled in.

Call for a Consultation